The amazing Lisa from Supernatural! I love here there and I am very happy that she answered me! I wrote to her on twitter, where I got an address from her. She answered me, that she got the letter and send me one back, and that was in october! I was almost loosing hope till I got a surprise today! She even wrote me a sweet note <3
wysłane: 1 zdjęcie, list, sase.
sent: 1 photo, letter, sase.
kiedy/when: 12.06.2013
otrzymane: zdjęcie podpisane i z dedykacją.
recived: my photo signed and personalised.
kiedy/when: 24.01.2014
Gratuluję ;)
OdpowiedzUsuńsuper :) gratulacje!
OdpowiedzUsuńgratulacje! mogłabyś podać mi jej twittera?