Vicky from "Tha Vampire Diaries". Even if her character was a little anoying, I liked her :) I am very happy that she wrote mi back so quick and with such a sweet note! I wrote to her on twitter, and she gave an address I could use (I tried her earlier, but with no luck). It worked, and after one month I got my photo back signed :)
wysłane: 1 zdjęcie, list, sase.
sent: 1 photo, letter, sase.
kiedy/when: 25.09.2013
otrzymane: zdjęcie podpisane i z piękną dedykacją.
recived: my photo signed and personalised.
kiedy/when: 28.10.2013
address: Magnolia Entertainment
9595 Wilshire Blvd.
Suite 601
Beverly Hills
Ca 90212
9595 Wilshire Blvd.
Suite 601
Beverly Hills
Ca 90212